The Real Estate M&A and PE Law Review - Second Edition
04 Dec 2017
The Real Estate M&A and PE Law Review - Second Edition
[141.75 KB]
The Merger Control Review 8th Edition
11 Oct 2017
The Merger Control Review 8th Edition
[142.46 KB]
ICLG Mining Law 2018
11 Oct 2017
ICLG Mining Law 2018
[1.29 MB]
ICLG Private Equity 2017
02 Aug 2017
ICLG Private Equity 2017
[666.52 KB]
ICLG Corporate Recovery & Insolvency 2017
27 Jul 2017
ICLG Corporate Recovery & Insolvency 2017
[3.34 MB]
ICLG International Arbitration 2017
27 Jul 2017
ICLG International Arbitration 2017
[1.82 MB]
Transfer Pricing in Indonesia: Overview
11 Jul 2017
Transfer Pricing in Indonesia: Overview
[167.74 KB]
The Real Estate Law Review - 2017
02 Jun 2017
The Real Estate Law Review - 2017
[131.08 KB]
ICLG Product Liability 2017
02 Jun 2017
ICLG Product Liability 2017
[653.36 KB]
Getting the Deal Through : Acquisition Finance 2017
02 Jun 2017
Getting the Deal Through : Acquisition Finance 2017
[256.78 KB]
Guide to Doing Business in Indonesia
21 May 2017
Guide to Doing Business in Indonesia
[9.63 MB]
The Employment Law Review - 8th Edition
19 May 2017
The Employment Law Review - 8th Edition
[146.64 KB]
The Real Estate M&A and PE Law Review - Second Edition
The Real Estate M&A and PE Law Review - Second Edition
[141.75 KB] 04 Dec 2017
Author: Oene Marseille, Emir Nurmansyah & Gustaaf Reerink
Publisher: Law Business Research Ltd
The Merger Control Review 8th Edition
The Merger Control Review 8th Edition
[142.46 KB] 11 Oct 2017
Author: Theodoor Bakker, Luky I. Walalangi & Miriam Andreta
Publisher: Law Business Research Ltd
ICLG Mining Law 2018
ICLG Mining Law 2018
[1.29 MB] 11 Oct 2017
Author: Woody Pananto & Freddy Karyadi
Publisher: Global Legal Group
ICLG Private Equity 2017
ICLG Private Equity 2017
[666.52 KB] 02 Aug 2017
Author: Freddy Karyadi & Anastasia Irawati
Publisher: Global Legal Group
ICLG Corporate Recovery & Insolvency 2017
ICLG Corporate Recovery & Insolvency 2017
[3.34 MB] 27 Jul 2017
Author: Theodoor Bakker & Herry N. Kurniawan
Publisher: Global Legal Group
ICLG International Arbitration 2017
ICLG International Arbitration 2017
[1.82 MB] 27 Jul 2017
Author: Sahat A.M. Siahaan & Ulyarta Naibaho
Publisher: Global Legal Group
Transfer Pricing in Indonesia: Overview
Transfer Pricing in Indonesia: Overview
[167.74 KB] 11 Jul 2017
Author: Freddy Karyadi & Anastasia Irawati
Publisher: Thomson Reuters
The Real Estate Law Review - 2017
The Real Estate Law Review - 2017
[131.08 KB] 02 Jun 2017
Author: Nafis Adwani & Agus A. Deradjat
Publisher: Law Business Research Ltd
ICLG Product Liability 2017
ICLG Product Liability 2017
[653.36 KB] 02 Jun 2017
Author: Agus A. Deradjat & Herry N. Kurniawan
Publisher: Global Legal Group
Getting the Deal Through : Acquisition Finance 2017
Getting the Deal Through : Acquisition Finance 2017
[256.78 KB] 02 Jun 2017
Author: Freddy Karyadi & Daniel O. Muliawan
Publisher: Law Business Research Ltd
Guide to Doing Business in Indonesia
Guide to Doing Business in Indonesia
[9.63 MB] 21 May 2017
Author: -
Publisher: No Publisher
The Employment Law Review - 8th Edition
The Employment Law Review - 8th Edition
[146.64 KB] 19 May 2017
Author: Nafis Adwani & Indra Setiawan
Publisher: Law Business Research Ltd