IFLR: M&A Report 2017
19 May 2017
IFLR: M&A Report 2017
[3.24 MB]
ICLG Securitization 2017
19 May 2017
ICLG Securitization 2017
[949.32 KB]
ICLG Lending & Secured Finance 2017
21 Apr 2017
ICLG Lending & Secured Finance 2017
[791.69 KB]
Getting the Deal Through: Private Equity 2017
04 Apr 2017
Getting the Deal Through: Private Equity 2017
[7.82 MB]
ICLG Project Finance 2017
03 Apr 2017
ICLG Project Finance 2017
[797.24 KB]
Private Acquisitions in Indonesia: Market Analysis Overview
27 Feb 2017
Private Acquisitions in Indonesia: Market Analysis Overview
[630.09 KB]
Public mergers and acquisitions in Indonesia: Overview
16 Jan 2017
Public mergers and acquisitions in Indonesia: Overview
[2.25 MB]
Getting the Deal Through: Tax in Inbound Investment 2017
24 Nov 2016
Getting the Deal Through: Tax in Inbound Investment 2017
[571.38 KB]
Getting the Deal Through: Shipping 2017
24 Nov 2016
Getting the Deal Through: Shipping 2017
[589.23 KB]
Lexis Nexis Mergers & Acquisitions Law Guide 2017
21 Nov 2016
Lexis Nexis Mergers & Acquisitions Law Guide 2017
[885.20 KB]
International Insolvency, 4th Edition
18 May 2015
International Insolvency, 4th Edition
[381.94 KB]
IFLR: M&A Report 2017
IFLR: M&A Report 2017
[3.24 MB] 19 May 2017
Author: Freddy Karyadi & Ayik Candrawulan Gunadi
Publisher: International Financial Law Review
ICLG Securitization 2017
ICLG Securitization 2017
[949.32 KB] 19 May 2017
Author: Freddy Karyadi & Novario Asca Hutagalung
Publisher: Global Legal Group
ICLG Lending & Secured Finance 2017
ICLG Lending & Secured Finance 2017
[791.69 KB] 21 Apr 2017
Author: Theodoor Bakker & Ayik Candrawulan Gunadi
Publisher: Global Legal Group
Getting the Deal Through: Private Equity 2017
Getting the Deal Through: Private Equity 2017
[7.82 MB] 04 Apr 2017
Author: Freddy Karyadi & Mahatma Hadhi
Publisher: Law Business Research Ltd
ICLG Project Finance 2017
ICLG Project Finance 2017
[797.24 KB] 03 Apr 2017
Author: Emir Nurmansyah & Freddy Karyadi
Publisher: Global Legal Group
Private Acquisitions in Indonesia: Market Analysis Overview
Private Acquisitions in Indonesia: Market Analysis Overview
[630.09 KB] 27 Feb 2017
Author: Freddy Karyadi & Daniel O. Muliawan
Publisher: Thomson Reuters
Public mergers and acquisitions in Indonesia: Overview
Public mergers and acquisitions in Indonesia: Overview
[2.25 MB] 16 Jan 2017
Author: Freddy Karyadi & Daniel Octavianus Muliawan
Publisher: Thomson Reuters
Getting the Deal Through: Tax in Inbound Investment 2017
Getting the Deal Through: Tax in Inbound Investment 2017
[571.38 KB] 24 Nov 2016
Author: Freddy Karyadi & Anastasia Irawati
Publisher: Law Business Research Ltd
Getting the Deal Through: Shipping 2017
Getting the Deal Through: Shipping 2017
[589.23 KB] 24 Nov 2016
Author: Sahat A.M. Siahaan, Ridzky Firmansyah and Desi Rutvikasari
Publisher: Law Business Research Ltd
Lexis Nexis Mergers & Acquisitions Law Guide 2017
Lexis Nexis Mergers & Acquisitions Law Guide 2017
[885.20 KB] 21 Nov 2016
Author: Freddy Karyadi, Daniel Octavianus Muliawan & Anastasia Irawati
Publisher: LexisNexis
International Insolvency, 4th Edition
International Insolvency, 4th Edition
[381.94 KB] 18 May 2015
Author: Theodoor Bakker, Herry Kurniawan, Kevin Omar Sidharta
Publisher: Thomson Reuters