- Antitrust & International Trade
- Aviation
- Banking & Finance
- Capital Markets
- Corporate and Commercial
- Energy, Infrastructure and Mineral Resources
- Environment
- Forestry and Plantations
- Healthcare
- Information Technology, E-commerce, Media and Telecommunication
- Intellectual Property
- Investment Law
- Labor Law
- Litigation and Alternative Dispute Resolution
- Maritime Law
- Mergers & Acquisitions
- Oil & Gas
- Project Finance
- Real Estate
- Restructuring & Bankruptcy
- Tourism and Hospitality Industry
We are fully familiar with the organization and operations of the regulatory bodies and their respective roles under Indonesia’s Oil & Gas Law, together with issues relevant to both upstream and downstream operators. We advise oil and gas contractors and services companies on Production Sharing Contracts and all manners of technical assistance contracts as well as oil field support service contracts covering drilling, maintenance and transportation. We have advised on various sales and acquisitions of participating interests in upstream oil contracts. In addition, we have acted as local counsel for lenders in the financing of major oil and gas projects.